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03.01.2008 22:15:55
Cannot unlock screen after waking MacBook when kernel extensions installed

This posting is older than 6 months and can contain outdated information.

I've been enjoying the demo version of Remote Buddy very much. All I use is the AJAX remote to control iTunes from my iPhone. So I did not install the kernel extensions. But I got tired of RB always asking to install the extensions on start up (even if I clicked the checkbox to not ask me again) so I finally installed them.

But after I installed the kernel extensions, when RB is running and I close the lid on my MacBook, I cannot unlock the screen when I open the lid again. I have the MacBook set up to require my password when it wakes from sleep. The panel comes up, and there is a blinking cursor in the password field. But as soon as I try to type something the pointer changes to the spinning beach ball. No text appears when I type and I cannot even move the pointer with the trackpad. I have to hold the power button down and restart.

I uninstalled the kernel extensions and now I do not have this issue.

I have a 2.2 GHz MacBook running Mac OS X 10.5.1. I have version 1.8.1 of Remote Buddy.

Mikael Behrens

These entries from the FAQ may be relevant to this topic:

Hardware - Apple® Remote
Hardware - Harmony® Smart Control
Hardware - iPhone™ / iPod® touch / AJAX Remote

05.01.2008 02:51:02
Re: Cannot unlock screen after waking MacBook when kernel extensions installed

This posting is older than 6 months and can contain outdated information.
I've been looking into the whole "keyboard and trackpad not available 
after waking from sleep" issue, digging deeply into the kernel 
sources, and here's what I've discovered:

1) after a (deep) sleep, the USB devices all have to be reenumerated, 
which means that IOKit will look for available drivers and user space 
apps that have registered for notifications (including Remote Buddy) 
will try to connect to the device through the respective 

2) Apple's HID drivers (IOUSBHIDDriver and subclasses) schedule an 
async read on all HID devices (including the IR Receiver, which, too, 
is just a HID device)

3) Right after, Remote Buddy receives notice from IOKit in userspace 
that a matching device (here: the built-in IR receiver) is available

4) To start from a clean basis, Remote Buddy's current release will 
make a ResetDevice() call via the user client for the respective 

5) In Kernel space, Apple's HID drivers still have their async reads 
scheduled. As the device is reset, they receive an error (errorcode 
kIOReturnUnderrun). Their standard reaction is to make a synchronous 
call to reset the interrupt pipe they are listening on.

6) The IOUSBController instance responsible for the device deadlocks.

Remote Buddy stack dump: 
19 __ZN16IOUSBDeviceClass11ResetDeviceEv + 86 (in IOUSBLib) 
19 _IOConnectCallScalarMethod + 84 (in IOKit) [0x95e1b6a8] 
19 _IOConnectCallMethod + 300 (in IOKit) [0x95e1b3f6] 
19 _mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x942fb8e6]

Remote Buddy - Kernel stack dump: 
19 _dtrace_get_cpu_int_stack_top + 543 [0x196afc] 
19 _mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 752 [0x126247] 
19 _ipc_kobject_server + 247 [0x12d165] 
19 _iokit_server_routine + 20111 [0x18d037] 
19 _is_io_connect_method + 468 [0x4379b0] 
+ 175 [0x439b71] 
19 (3.0.3) + 117745 [0x698bf1] 
19 (3.0.3) + 119708 [0x69939c] 
__ZN13IOCommandGate9runActionEPFiP8OSObjectPvS2_S2_S2_ES2_S2_S2_S2_ + 
96 [0x41d9ce] 
19 (3.0.3) + 70185 [0x68d229] 
19 _IORecursiveLockLock + 42 [0x401694] 
19 _lck_mtx_lock + 289 [0x19a781] 
19 _lck_mtx_lock_wait + 382 [0x13157e] 
19 _thread_block + 33 [0x1368fe] 
19 _thread_continue + 1181 [0x136691]

IOKit - Kernel thread 1 stack dump: 
19 __ZN10IOWorkLoop10threadMainEv + 24 [0x41bf88] 
19 __ZN10IOWorkLoop15runEventSourcesEv + 90 [0x41c2a6] 
19 __ZN22IOInterruptEventSource12checkForWorkEv + 183 [0x41d149] 
19 (3.0.3) + 14710 [0x88c976] 
19 (3.0.3) + 42613 [0x686675] 
19 __ZN9IOService14messageClientsEmPvj + 72 [0x409d40] 
19 __ZN9IOService17applyToInterestedEPK8OSSymbolPFvP8OSObjectPvES5_ 
+ 60 [0x409c9e] 
19 __ZN9IOService14applyToClientsEPFvPS_PvES1_ + 43 [0x409a21] 
+ 104 [0x406324] 
19 __ZN9IOService17applyToInterestedEPK8OSSymbolPFvP8OSObjectPvES5_ 
+ 137 [0x409ceb] 
19 __ZN9IOService13messageClientEmP8OSObjectPvj + 73 [0x409a6d] 
19 (3.0.3) + 19005 [0xbc4a3d] 
19 (3.0.3) + 16639 [0xbc40ff] 
19 _lck_mtx_lock + 289 [0x19a781] 
19 _lck_mtx_lock_wait + 382 [0x13157e] 
19 _thread_block + 33 [0x1368fe] 
19 _thread_continue + 1181 [0x136691]

IOKit - Kernel thread 2 stack dump: 
19 _thread_call_enter_delayed + 527 [0x13e987] 
19 (3.0.3) + 66903 [0x68c557] 
19 (3.0.3) + 66814 [0x68c4fe] 
19 __ZN9IOService14messageClientsEmPvj + 72 [0x409d40] 
19 __ZN9IOService17applyToInterestedEPK8OSSymbolPFvP8OSObjectPvES5_ 
+ 60 [0x409c9e] 
19 __ZN9IOService14applyToClientsEPFvPS_PvES1_ + 43 [0x409a21] 
+ 104 [0x406324] 
19 __ZN9IOService17applyToInterestedEPK8OSSymbolPFvP8OSObjectPvES5_ 
+ 137 [0x409ceb] 
19 __ZN9IOService13messageClientEmP8OSObjectPvj + 73 [0x409a6d] 
19 (3.0.3) + 19005 [0xbc4a3d] 
19 (3.0.3) + 17104 [0xbc42d0] 
19 (3.0.3) + 31581 [0xbc7b5d] 
19 (3.0.3) + 12080 [0x67ef30] 
__ZN13IOCommandGate9runActionEPFiP8OSObjectPvS2_S2_S2_ES2_S2_S2_S2_ + 
261 [0x41da73] 
19 (3.0.3) + 11763 [0x67edf3] 
19 _IORecursiveLockSleep + 67 [0x401783] 
19 _lck_mtx_sleep + 87 [0x130a08] 
19 _thread_block + 33 [0x1368fe] 
19 _thread_continue + 1181 [0x136691]

IOKit - Other kernel thread stack dumps: 
19 _thread_call_enter_delayed + 527 [0x13e987] 
19 __ZN18IOTimerEventSource17timeoutAndReleaseEPvS0_ + 58 [0x41f8ac] 
19 (3.0.3) + 70185 [0x68d229] 
19 _IORecursiveLockLock + 42 [0x401694] 
19 _lck_mtx_lock + 289 [0x19a781] 
19 _lck_mtx_lock_wait + 382 [0x13157e] 
19 _thread_block + 33 [0x1368fe] 
19 _thread_continue + 1181 [0x136691]

7) As the IOUSBController instance has deadlocked, but is responsible 
for handling the communication for all other devices connected to the 
same port, all other devices connected to the same port will no longer 
appear to work, as data is neither handed to them nor polled from them.

8) As Santa Rosa MacBook Pros internally connect keyboard, trackpad 
and built-in IR receiver to the same USB port, unfortunate timing can 
lead to the ResetDevice() (in user space) and ClearStall() (on 
IOUSBPipe, in kernel space) calls to deadlock the IOUSBController 
instance handling all three devices. That's also, why all other USB 
ports will continue to work.

Said simply, any application that uses the quite common and widely 
used approach of accessing a USB device from user space and that makes 
a call to ResetDevice() on the IOUSBDevice can potentially deadlock 
the IOUSBController handling the port of the USB device - consequently 
disabling all I/O handling for all other devices connected to the same 
USB port.

So, if you are using Remote Buddy on a Santa Rosa MacBook Pro under 
Leopard, your keyboard and trackpad may loose connection after a 
(deep) sleep. I would like to underline, though, that the bug leading 
to this actually sits in Apple's IOUSBFamily.kext and not Remote Buddy 
or its kernel extension. That you see that problem only after 
installing Remote Buddy's kernel extension is explained easily: 
without it installed, Remote Buddy's own IR Receiver USB driver - 
which currently resides entirely in userspace - is not registering for 
notifications for the device and thus will also not try to initialize 
it using ResetDevice().

That said, Apple has done a lot of (otherwise excellent) work on the 
IOUSBFamily in Leopard, so it's not surprising that there are still 
bugs left. I'm confident that Apple will fix it with one of the next 
OS 10.5.x updates.

While the usage of any other apps that access USB devices from 
userspace might still give you problems until Apple fixes the bug, 
Remote Buddy's next version will feature a completely new set of 
drivers that - among other things - also elegantly works around the bug.

As a temporary fix until the release of the next Remote Buddy update 
(and updates to any other apps accessing USB HID devices), you may 
want to disable safe sleep.

Best regards, 


05.01.2008 12:38:48
Re: Cannot unlock screen after waking MacBook when kernel extensions installed

This posting is older than 6 months and can contain outdated information.
Thanks so much for the explanation! I'll wait for the next version of Remote Buddy before installing the kernel extensions, or not let my MacBook go to sleep.
