Today, I'm proud to announce the release of Vidimote, a brand new Safari extension that allows you to control speed, playback and many other aspects of web videos.

As a Safari extension, you can bring up Vidimote at any time by tapping its icon in Safari - and adjust speed, jump ± 10 seconds, enter picture-in-picture mode, fullscreen or choose an AirPlay target to send the video to.

Vidimote also adds useful time information: remaining time is adjusted for playback speed, so the time shown in Vidimote is the actual time that's remaining until the end of the video.

For live streams, Vidimote also shows the approximate clock time for the current position in the stream. That makes finding the beginning of a show in time shifted live streams a piece of cake.

Vidimote has been successfully tested with the websites of Amazon Prime Video, Dailymotion, MagentaTV, Netflix, Vimeo, YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, Skillshare,, Udemy, Amazon Drive, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, Nextcloud, ownCloud,,,,,,,, and many others.

Vidimote for Safari is available on the App Store for iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 for just $4.99.

A macOS version of Vidimote is in the works. If you'd like to be notified as soon as it is available, please subscribe to the newsletter below.
A macOS version of Vidimote is now also available.

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