This posting is older than 6 months and can contain outdated information.
Q: Can you advise how I should proceed with setting up RB? I've read the How-To blog post and I have some questions.
1) Do I need to do anything to stash (save for future) my current setup using Apple Remote simulation?
Put another way, how can I hedge my bet that the setup with Harmony Smart Control will work well?
For peace of mind, here's how you can back up and restore your settings:
If you follow the Smart Control Setup HowTo and pair your Harmony Smart Control's Hub with Remote Buddy via Bluetooth, the Smart Control will turn up in Remote Buddy as a completely independent device that has no relationship to your settings for other remotes (including real and simulated Apple Remotes) at all.
2) Should I reinstall Candelair and/or RB?
There's usually no need to do this.
Remote Buddy is designed from ground up to handle several remotes and keep mapping settings for each remote control separately.
3) Beyond the how-to instructions, are there any tweaks for specific behaviors that I should be aware of?
* Plex, iTunes, DVD player, mouse / keyboard / trackpad on Mac Mini
Remote Buddy comes with very usable defaults. You can, of course, always make adjustments to fit your personal needs or preferences.
* Netflix and Amazon Video on Roku 3
You'll probably want to add an Activity/Device for the Roku 3 in the Harmony software to control these.
4) Finally, do you have any suggestions on how to use RB and Harmony Hub for these behaviors / devices?
* Prezi player on Mac Mini
Do you refer to the standalone application only available to subscribers? Or the web page inside a browser?
* Chrome-casting from MacBook Pro
I've no experience with chrome casting, so I can't currently say anything about this. Thanks for bringing this onto my radar.
Like with the Roku, this is probably another Activity/Device you'd want to add in the Harmony software to control that.
However, for in-depth advice and help with setting up your Harmony, Logitech is best qualified to give you advice as they know their product best. I personally found their knowledge base and forum to be particularly great resources:
Hope that helps.
Best regards,
Felix Schwarz