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Remote Buddy Forum



20.01.2010 14:41:23
Ajax menu using image instead of text

Dieser Beitrag ist älter als sechs Monate und kann veraltete Informationen enthalten.
In an effort to make my remote system aesthetically pleasing and wife friendly, i am looking for a way to create some custom menus that use images instead of or in addition to text to trigger applescripts through remote buddy. Example, when I open my ajax menu on my iPhone I have a list of all of our favorite channels provided by our cable company and you just press which channel you want and it changes accordingly. I would very much like to have a couple of columns that show the channel logo, or whatever, so that when you press the image you get the same response. If anyone knows of a way that I could do this customization, please let me know. I am also interested in creating a movie listing that uses cover art in a similar manner. I am playing with VLC but would rather have it work through PLEX if possible.

Many thanks, 

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Benutzerführung & Konfiguration
Hardware - Apple® Remote
Hardware - iPhone™ / iPod® touch / AJAX Remote

26.01.2010 14:38:46
Re: Ajax menu using image instead of text

Dieser Beitrag ist älter als sechs Monate und kann veraltete Informationen enthalten.
Thanks for asking.

I'm afraid that the customizations you want to make to the AJAX Remote are currently not supported.

Best regards, 
Felix Schwarz