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27.08.2011 13:04:26
Web videos managing

Dieser Beitrag ist älter als sechs Monate und kann veraltete Informationen enthalten.

I really like using Remote Buddy for iTunes, VLC, and Plex mainly, but I regret videos watched online (e.g. YouTube using FireFox) can not be paused/played/turnedFullScreen/next in playlist/... from the remote. 
I guess that would be a nice feature.

Have a nice day


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Hardware - Apple® Remote

06.09.2011 20:18:35
Re: Web videos managing

Dieser Beitrag ist älter als sechs Monate und kann veraltete Informationen enthalten.

Would at least the pause/play (like with space bar) be possible with a remote?




09.09.2011 16:40:01
Re: Web videos managing

Dieser Beitrag ist älter als sechs Monate und kann veraltete Informationen enthalten.
Thanks for asking.

If you want to emulate a space bar press with a particular button, you can assign it to a button at

Prefs > Mapping > [Browser of choice] > [Button of choice]

by selecting

Virtual Keyboard > Space(bar)

for that button. There's no guarantee, though, that this space bar press ends up controlling an embedded web video, though. Depending on input focus, it could also end up f.ex. adding a space character to the address or search fields of the browser.

Best regards, 
Felix Schwarz 


14.09.2011 07:08:26
Re: Web videos managing

Dieser Beitrag ist älter als sechs Monate und kann veraltete Informationen enthalten.
Thanks for answering.

Indeed, assigning a virtual mouse click action (similar to virtual keyboard) to the play/pause button is working, provided the mouse has been previously placed appropriately (depends on embedded video type).

thanks for the useful piece of software. 