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Remote Buddy Forum



22.12.2011 05:19:35
EyeTV pause-at-deactivate feature not working

Dieser Beitrag ist älter als sechs Monate und kann veraltete Informationen enthalten.
I am having a problem with the feature of Remote Buddy that is supposed to pause EyeTV when switching to another behavior. Remote Buddy launches the second application and controls it correctly, but EyeTV continues playing video (in the background, granted, but it's still active) and the sound is audible in the background of whatever behavior is in the foreground.

I am using the most recent versions of both Remote Buddy (1.19.2) and EyeTV (3.5.4).

Last edited: 22.12.2011 05:25:33 

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Hardware - Apple® Remote
Hardware - EyeTV Receiver

05.01.2012 14:24:02
Re: EyeTV pause-at-deactivate feature not working

Dieser Beitrag ist älter als sechs Monate und kann veraltete Informationen enthalten.
Thanks for the bug report.

It'll be fixed in the next update.

Best regards, 
Felix Schwarz 


21.02.2012 18:04:00
Re: EyeTV pause-at-deactivate feature not working

Dieser Beitrag ist älter als sechs Monate und kann veraltete Informationen enthalten.

would it be possible not only to pause EyeTV when leaving the behavior, but much better would be to have a second option to close all active EyeTV windows when leaving the behavior and then re-open a LiveTV window when returning to EyeTV behavior?

Thank you, 