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Remote Buddy Forum



06.10.2013 17:48:41
Help please with Remote Buddy Script

This posting is older than 6 months and can contain outdated information.
I am trying to write an applescript for Remote Buddy which asks the user a question, gives several possible answers to choose from, allows the user to chose the answer via the Apple Remote and passes the chosen answer on to the finder. The script will be triggered by the programme Power Manager.

I've looked in the scripting dictionary but I can't find out how to do it. The chosen answer doesn't even appear as a result.

This is what I have done so far:

tell application "Remote Buddy" 
set the_menu to {1, "OK", 2, "Cancel"} 
showmenu with items the_menu menu name "Sleep?" 
end tell

Has anyone a suggestion? 
Any help would be really appreciated as I'm new to Apple Scripting.

These entries from the FAQ may be relevant to this topic:

Hardware - Apple® Remote

  • Help please with Remote Buddy Script, User, 06.10.2013 17:48:41