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Remote Buddy Forum



12.11.2010 16:26:49
EyeTV remote not responding with 10.6.5

This posting is older than 6 months and can contain outdated information.
I just installed 10.6.5 on my mac mini and now my EyeTV remote not longer works. I know that it is not the remote because it works fine if I quit Remote Buddy. Also it is interesting that if I hold the enter button down I can still bring up the RB menu so it looks like the EyeTV receiver still works within RB but just does not recognize any EyeTV commands.

Before I toil trying to troubleshoot for hours I just wanted to find out if this is a 10.6.5 bug that you will be working on.

Thank you in advance,


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Hardware - Apple® Remote
Hardware - EyeTV Receiver