This posting is older than 6 months and can contain outdated information.
I'm trying to figure out how to best use Remote Buddy controlling under either Firefox or Safari (since the Mac SlingPlayer won't do HD!).
I have an older Slingbox Pro with the HD attachment. I have it currently hooked to a Dish VIP722k. We have a Dish VIP211k in our bedroom where we also have a Mac "Media" machine using Remote Buddy.
I thought perhaps I could use my Harmony Remote to control some of the functions, but I can't see how to assign Mac keystrokes to the Harmony, so I'll be limited to the 12 Remote Buddy functions, and I've just about decided which ones I want. HOWEVER, I'm not sure I really want to change the default Firefox settings in case I want to use Firefox for something else later. Is there a way for me to create a custom "app"? For example, show a "Slingbox" app that is really using Firefox, but that can use a different setup?
Or has anyone else come up with an interesting way to control through Remote Buddy?