This posting is older than 6 months and can contain outdated information.
I'm have run into this same issue.
I have an Action defined with the following applescript.
tell application "Finder"
do shell script "open foo.strm"
end tell
Where "foo.strm" is configured in the finder to open in Boxee. If I run this script in Script Editor, a saved Script, or Script Application it opens the stream file correctly in Boxee (starting the application if it is not already running)
If I execute the same script as a Remote Buddy Action, it also opens the stream just fine. Now, if I put a remote buddy menu in the mix, it works just fine direct from AppleScript, but fails silently executed through a Remote Buddy command.
Here's the code I'm executing.
tell application "Finder"
(* I'm actually generating this list of channels from a directory of .strm files *)
set _channels to {"02.1 FOX HD", "02.1 FOX HD", "04.2 KRON HD", "04.2 KRON HD"}
end tell
tell application "Remote Buddy"
set the_menuitems to _channels as list
showmenu with items the_menuitems as list menu name "Boxee TV Shows" with return value
set _show to result
set _filepath to "/Users/boxee/TV Shows/LiveTV/" & _show & ".strm"
end tell
tell application "Finder"
do shell script "open " & quoted form of _filepath
end tell