This posting is older than 6 months and can contain outdated information.
You can disable Remote Buddy / EyeTV integration regarding the remote control altogether by turning off support for
AdHoc Receivers at Prefs > General > Advanced.
Ah ha! Thank you. I bet this alone will fix it.
Remote Buddy actually should automatically disable one of the Apple Remotes found on your system automatically because of the potential conflict you observe.
For some reason it hasn't been :-(
Which version of EyeTV are you running?
3.5.3. I thought I was up to date but it appears there is a more recent version (also 3.5.3 but different build number). Downloading the update now.
Are you using support for multiple Apple Remotes? Or are you using your Harmony One only as a six button Apple Remote?
Yes. I am using it to mimic multiple remotes. Only the "Primary" remote (ie the one where the standard buttons are set to be the standard buttons) have exhibited the duplication problem.
The "other" remotes work fine. Actually that is not completely true. They consistently work fine with EyeTV (each mapping has a direct action) but they often just stop working properly with Plex (each mapping has a virtual button). Not sure if it is related to the problem above.
Would using the Multiple Remote feature be (in part) responsible for my original reactivation problem?
Last edited: 22.07.2011 13:06:24