This posting is older than 6 months and can contain outdated information.
Hello Jens,
sorry for the late reply.
While I can't provide general Harmony configuration support (Logitech has better insight into their products and support services of its own to support you), I have an idea where you could look:
1) Logitech Support has this to say at :
"Switching to another Activity will power off devices that do not participate in the new Activity, and power on the new participating ones. Devices that are common across both Activities will remain on. For example, when switching from Watch TV to Watch a Movie, Harmony knows to power off your cable box and turn on your DVD player. It knows your TV must also remain on, and will not power it off."
(there's also a nice video - albeit in English)
2) So, chances are this will fix your problem:
a) Go to "| | | Menu" > "Harmony Setup" > "Add/Edit Devices & Activities" > Device > [Your Other Devices] > "Participating Activities" in the Harmony app
b) Under "Participating Activities", add the activity you created for Remote Buddy (usually "Sony PS3" or "Remote Buddy").
Hope this helps!
Best regards,
Felix Schwarz